Links about Health as it relates to increasing life quality and quantity.The American Iatrogenic Association is devoted to the study and reporting of illness caused by physicians and other members of the medical profession, thereby promoting accountability by medical professionals and institutions. This site is an excellent source of information on iatrogenic illnesses: their prevalence, ways to reduce risk, and avenues for complaints when appropriate. No one associated with their site is a lawyer and the organization disassociates itself from the intemperate efforts of the "patients' rights" movement which is increasingly dominated by persons seeking revenge for imagined harms while recommending more lawsuits, regulations and criminal prosecutions. AiA seeks to inform individuals who will take responsibility for their own health care. The site invites the participation of medical, legal, and political specialists, but it is designed for the general public and to be as free of obfuscatory medical jargon as possible. PubMed is a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 11 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. contains evidence-based content articles on 7,000 diseases and disorders in 59 medical specialties which have been physician peer reviewed with an additional review by a PharmD. Registration is requred but is free on its advertiser supported site. A personal advertisement-free subscription is available. |
Links about Food as it relates to increasing life quality and quantity.The CR Society provides general information and two separate discussion groups on CR (science only and general interest) - restricting food calories while maintaining good nutrition - as the only method currently shown to lengthen the lives of test animals. A number of members are extreme in their CR practices, a view we have publicly stated on their list as being unnecessary for achievement of lean vigorous bodies with the strong likelihood of long life. The CR Society Support Group is a separate support group for enthusiasts - "newbies" or old-timers - with "how to do it" questions and answers on living a calorie restricted life; it is less populated with extreme practitioners. The Eatwild Grassfarmers' Directory provides a list of suppliers of pastured (grass fed) products for US and Canada that meet this site's criteria. The Nutritional Benefits of Grassfed Animal Products - higher levels of CLA, omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamin E, to name a few - are explained with citations from peer-reviewed journals. The USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference is an invaluable source of information on most of the nutrients in most foods consumed in North America and western Europe. The data is available for 100 gram servings and in the typical consumed forms. The website provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on activities, research and new developments in the area of probiotics and dairy products in the United States as well as a reference to what's going on in the rest of the world. The language used is straightforward without sales hype even though it is sponsored by the California Dairy Research Foundation and Dairy & Food Culture Technologies. The FAQs contain informative responses scientifically presented in understandable language. The site could, however, be improved by direct links from statements on various health effects direct to PubMed abstracts. |
Links about exercise as it relates to increasing life quality and quantity.Oregon State University's College of Health and Human Sciences maintains the Center for Healthy Aging Research. Among one of its core areas of research is Bone Health, Exercise and Function in Aging . In conjunction with this research, the Human Performance Laboratory at OSU in Corvalis Oregon provides tests of aerobic fitness (maximal oxygen consumption) and body composition (percent body fat) for a reasonable fee. Life Extension Foundation's protocol on Exercise Enhancement and Risk Avoidance provides considerable information on getting the benefits with a minimum of the downsides. |
Links about supplements as they relate to increasing life quality and quantity. |
Links about Life Outlook as it relates to Life Quality.American Renaissance for the Twenty-first Century (ART) True ideal art is moral and dramatizes; it seeks to improve life, not debase it. ART sponsors exhibits, events, and art that furthers the values of established Western art forms: representationalism in painting and sculpture; melody and harmony in music; grace in dance; structure, coherence and meaning in drama, poetry and literature - and the expression of beauty in all. This foundation champions art that portrays the world at its most beautiful and man and woman at their best. Attitudes: Key to Health, Happiness & Longevity This web site is dedicated to helping the reader improve his/her health, happiness and prospects for long life by identifying bad mental habits and replacing them with proven healthy ones. The site contains 2 translated versions, by length, of the attitude test devised by Dr. Grossarth-Maticek of Germany. In 1973 Dr. Grossarth-Maticek gave a brief test measuring habitual feelings of pleasure and well-being to thousands of elderly residents of Heidelberg, Germany. Twenty-one years later, he compared the test scores with health status. The results (graph) were amazing: the 300 people who had scored highest turned out to be thirty times more likely to be alive and well 21 years later than the 200 lowest! Michael Hurd is an accomplished writer as well as psychotherapist and provides a site containing: numerous helpful suggestions for various personal and interpersonal problems; access to his streaming radio program, newsletter, and other numerous publications; really good explanation of how psychotherapy should work and does with him. Dr. Hurd's many writings on gaining self-esteem, personal mental health, and interpersonal relationships of individuals are based on a rational life-promoting philosophy. Nathaniel Branden is a well-known writer and practicing psychotherapist with a very strong background in philosophy - a key element to his highly successful work in the area of self-esteem with individual groups and in industry. The site contains a number of fine essays based on his numerous books. |
Links about Interpersonal Relationships as they relate to Life Quality.Against Politics offers a combination of current news/commentary and fundamental writings in the areas of freedom philosophy and transhumanism. Links to numerous informative sites are available. Attitudes: Key to Health, Happiness & Longevity This web site is dedicated to helping the reader improve his/her health, happiness and prospects for long life by identifying bad mental habits and replacing them with proven healthy ones. The site contains 2 translated versions, by length, of the attitude test devised by Dr. Grossarth-Maticek of Germany. In 1973 Dr. Grossarth-Maticek gave a brief test measuring habitual feelings of pleasure and well-being to thousands of elderly residents of Heidelberg, Germany. Twenty-one years later, he compared the test scores with health status. The results (graph) were amazing: the 300 people who had scored highest turned out to be thirty times more likely to be alive and well 21 years later than the 200 lowest! Dr. Dr. Michael Hurd, Psychologist, Cognitive Therapy. "Solutions Not Excuses." Michael Hurd is an accomplished writer as well as psychotherapist and provides a site containing: numerous helpful suggestions for various personal and interpersonal problems; access to his streaming radio program, newsletter, and other numerous publications; really good explanation of how psychotherapy should work and does with him. Freedom Summit is an annual seminar dedicated to promoting and advancing human freedom. To that end, the Freedom Summit offers speakers who have demonstrated their effectiveness in presenting the intellectual case for freedom. It is also an annual update on the current status of freedom in our world from several varied perspectives. Paul and Kitty attended in 2002 and look forward to doing so in the future when the speakers are particularly of interest; it conveniently takes place in the southern Phoenix metropolitan area. iGreens is the site of Individualist Environmentalists, a group which aims to maintain the environment by reminding people that the fact that problems exist does not automatically mean that government and its policies are the solutions. Though based in the UK, much of the content on iGreens is either about the United States, or of general worldwide interest. There are pages of articles on environmental topics, as well as diverting pages on topics like false doomsday predictions, Burke's "Little Platoons," and where to get fresh coffee in Leeds. This light-hearted attitude combined with a serious message makes an excellent overview of an often overlooked segment of the environmentalist movement. is the website of Lew Rockwell, founder and president of the Mises Institute in Auburn, Ala., and vice president of the Center for Libertarian Studies in Burlingame, California; he is a longtime opponent of the central state, its wars and its socialism. The site highlights the news and commentary that Lew finds important, or simply interesting, including his own writings. It is therefore unapologetically idiosyncratic. It should be noted, however, that much of the contents of this site is a repeat of what has been said by libertarians for many years and does not provide detailed analyses of the foundational problems nor offer new solutions. Libertarian International is a network of liberty-minded individuals and organizations based in the Netherlands, written in English. The site provides well written pieces by a large number of world-wide authors and sources on a variety of topics including libertarian theory, economics, education, environment, health, news commentary, etc. Many of the articles are ones that would not be seen in North America, especially those related to the European Union (EU), but which have enormous consequences for all freedom-seeking individuals. The Ludwig von Mises Institute is the research and educational center of classical liberalism and the Austrian School of economics. It is the mission of the Mises Institute to restore a high place for theory in the social sciences, encourage a revival of critical historical research, and draw attention to neglected traditions in Western philosophy. In this cause, the Mises Institute works to advance the Austrian School of economics and social science generally in the Misesian tradition, and, in application, defends the market economy, private property, sound money, and peaceful international relations, while opposing government intervention as economically and socially destructive. It's daily email list services generally contain informative and well-written articles; occasionally the editors fail to sufficiently guide less-experienced writers (and even worse, they do not respond when such failures are brought to their attention). It should be noted, however, that some of the contents of this site (including the daily email message) is a repeat of what has been said by libertarians for many years and does not provide truly detailed analyses of the foundational problems nor offer new solutions. Nathaniel Branden This well-known writer and practicing psycho-therapist has a very strong background in philosophy, a key element to his highly successful work in the area of relationships - romantic, business, and society - with individual groups and in industry. The site contains a number of fine essays based on his numerous books. Rational Review is a web journal of libertarian news and commentary on politics and culture. A daily email edition is available as well as a forum for reader discussion of onsite commentaries. This website is one of the few that is not a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, depending instead on reader support. The World's Smallest Political Quiz, also the original Internet political quiz, is a fast and strongly accurate way to determine a person's political leaning. Test yourself and invite your associates to do likewise.
Links about Reaching your current life expectancy. The CR Society provides
general information and two separate discussion groups on CR (science only and general interest) - restricting food calories while maintaining good nutrition - as the only method currently shown to lengthen the lives of test animals. A number of members are extreme in their CR practices, a view we have publicly stated on their list as being unnecessary for achievement of lean vigorous bodies with the strong likelihood of long life. The CR Society Support Group is a separate support group for enthusiasts - "newbies" or old-timers - with "how to do it" questions and answers on living a calorie restricted life; it is less populated with extreme practitioners. PubMed is a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 11 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. |
Links about Increasing your Lifespan.Against Politics offers a combination of current news/commentary and fundamental writings in the areas of transhumanism, which includes nanotechnology, and freedom philosophy. Links to numerous informative sites are available. The CR Society provides general information and two separate discussion groups on CR (science only and general interest) - restricting food calories while maintaining good nutrition - as the only method currently shown to lengthen the lives of test animals. A number of members are extreme in their CR practices, a view we have publicly stated on their list as being unnecessary for achievement of lean vigorous bodies with the strong likelihood of long life. The CR Society Support Group is a separate support group for enthusiasts - "newbies" or old-timers - with "how to do it" questions and answers on living a calorie restricted life; it is less populated with extreme practitioners. |
Links about Preserving life through Suspended Animation.Against Politics offers a combination of current news/commentary and fundamental writings in the areas of transhumanism, which includes cryonics, and freedom philosophy. Links to numerous informative sites are available. |
MoreLife Yahoo Group
has been created to provide an opportunity for readers of the MoreLife website to ask questions, to critique, to comment, and to engage in discussions about the information presented on this website - or not presented here, but seemingly included within its described scope.
Keeping up on what is current in science, especially related to human health, can be easier by making use of daily or weekly newsletters from containing links to full articles. If time one thinks that s/he can handle only one of these newsletters at a time, then the top new headlines version is recommended. Another option is to visit the home page of the Science Daily and view the headlines in all majore sections, which have links to the full articles. New 12/24/07
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