The 2nd afternoon of our cottage stay at the end of June 2001 was set aside for errands. We got "dressed up" to stay cool - and show off our good looking CR legs - while we made several stops in neighboring towns. ;>)
Back from errands and Tom was insistent on finishing the den door.
Replacing the back door was a major project, taking more than a full day. To prevent us from being eaten alive by the various bugs, we erected nylon screen over the door opening; it would have been impossible without it. There were times during this project that Tom regretted starting, but at the end he gave Kitty a snappy salute. Or is that a sigh of relief? ;>)
Something about hard work makes the cool lake even more irresistible and Tom was insistent even with the sun setting and the bugs biting.
These shots need very few words - Tom loves swimming in the lake! Kitty? The water was too cold for her tastes that day.
These following several pics were taken along the Toronto harbor front on the Canada Day weekend 2001.
That's the famed CN tower reaching skyward behind Tom and the Toronto Skydome to the left. Kitty really enjoyed the Toronto Music Garden with its natural amphitheatre directly in the background.
The Maypole in the center of a double spiral path in the Toronto Music Garden makes an interesting picture with the CN tower in the background.
Kitty couldn't find a way into the midst of these lilies without doing them harm, so she settled for the wall in front of them. Aren't they lovely?
Boats sail and "steam" through the channel formed by the Toronto islands on the right and the harbor frontage of Toronto on the north shore of Lake Ontario on the left and far background.
As we walked further west along the harbor front, the CN tower - now "sticking" out of Tom's shoulder - receded in the background.
Keeping the bugs out of our apartment while taking advantage of the pleasant breezes was a goal for Kitty. With a few suggestions from Tom, she devised a screen door that meets all of our needs - human and canine. More of the story.
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